Color Psychology: How Colors Affect Productivity

While it’s well-known that color can affect your behavior, researchers now say it’s not so much the color itself, but rather the intensity of a color that affects behavior. Interior remodeling contractor DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Ogden explains more about how a strong, bright color can stimulate, while low-saturation colors can calm and soothe.


What the Research Says

Research says that each color can affect a different part of our psyches. Red, blue, yellow and green affect the body (red), the mind (blue), the emotions, the ego and self-confidence (yellow), and the essential balance between the mind, the body and the emotions (green), according to a 2013 article by Chris Bailey.

When you combine more than one color, you get the effects of both. A highly-saturated yellow when combined with a highly-saturated blue, for example, will stimulate both your emotions (yellow) and mind (blue).

Blue has been touted to be the most productive color, but this claim could well be an oversimplification. If you need to stimulate the mind, then blue would fit the bill — but it wouldn’t hurt to spice it up with a bit of orange to bring some emotion into your mind-stimulating room, studies show.


If you’re a designer and you want creativity, blue isn’t going to be the color for you. Yellow is a better color for a designer — it stimulates your ego and spirits, and helps you to be more creative.


Red stimulates physical strength and is best for people who need to do heavy lifting and use a lot of muscle power.


Is having a strong sense of balance the most important thing to you? Green is balanced, calming and reassuring, and is most suitable in negotiations involving money.

Work With the Pros

DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Ogden would be happy to help you with color choices to boost your productivity. You can trust us for all of your home remodeling needs! Our distinctive, full-service approach means we can help you throughout the entire remodeling process, from design through installation. Call us at (801) 436-8886 today to schedule an appointment and start a conversation!

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