Things to Keep in Mind Before Replacing Your Bathtub

There are many good reasons to replace an old bathtub, and it’s common for this to be the focus of a bathroom remodel. Whether it’s to improve convenience or simply to give your bathroom a fresh look, make sure to keep the following tips in mind as you consider a replacement.

Signs You Need to Replace Your Bathtub

If you’re still on the fence about swapping out your old tub, you might want to assess the following issues to help you make a decision. Typically, these problems indicate the need to replace a bathtub:

  • Leaks. If left unchecked, leaks can cause mold growth or rot in your floor or walls. Check for mildew under the drain and along the edges where your tub meets the wall.
  • A change in needs. Consider if your needs have changed. For instance, if you would feel more comfortable using a tub with more support, you should definitely change your old tub. 
  • Low value. If you have plans of selling your home, a new bathtub can help increase your home’s value and make the property more attractive to potential buyers.

Types of Bathtubs

Different bathtub materials are available, ensuring a good match for every budget and need. Fiberglass is generally the most popular and affordable option. It’s lightweight and easy to install, but it can be prone to cracks, fading and scratches.

Acrylic is another lightweight and inexpensive bathtub material. It’s easy to install and more durable than fiberglass. However, make sure that stress points are supported with proper installation. Cast iron can also be a good material to consider. It’s durable and timeless, and it can be resurfaced if the enamel is scratched. It is heavy though, so make sure your bathroom floor is capable of handling the extra weight of a cast iron tub.

Other bathtub options that you might want to consider are ceramic, enameled steel and marble. Consult bathtub replacement experts so that you can ensure the best choice for your needs.

Bathtub Sizes

Make sure your measurements are accurate so that your bathtub will fit in your bathroom perfectly. Remember that you also have to account for a toilet, sink and vanity. While a deluxe whirlpool tub may seem appealing, it might not be a great option if you’re working with very limited space.

Let’s Start a Conversation!

DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Elizabethtown is committed to providing excellent workmanship. Whether your project involves kitchen or bathroom renovation, you can count on our team to deliver quality results. Call us at (717) 298-3830 or fill out our contact form to start a conversation with our team. We serve customers in Hershey, Mount Joy, Lancaster, Harrisburg, Lititz and surrounding communities.

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