How to Bring Lagom Into Your Home

The homeowner’s lifestyle is an important factor that informs design decisions that ultimately lead to a bathroom or kitchen estimate. Some homeowners are minimalists, while others want to go all out. Still, others who want a “just right” lifestyle – what is known as “lagom.” DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Larimer County takes a look at lagom and how this lifestyle can inform your remodeling project.

What Is Lagom?

Lagom is a Swedish word that means “just the right amount,” and is derived from the Swedish proverb “lagom är bäst,” which translates to “the right amount is best”. It came into popular use to describe a lifestyle that is essentially in a “Goldilocks zone,” neither minimalist nor extravagant.

It may sound like lagom is merely a form of minimalism, but where minimalism is about keeping things sleek and sophisticated, lagom is about keeping things moderated and sustainable. Everyone has their definition of “just right.” While this makes lagom different from homeowner to homeowner, the key concept is finding balance. This underlines the importance of working with a remodeler that understands “soft” qualities like vision and gut feel before the discussion moves on to things like the kitchen or bathroom cost.

Bringing Lagom Into Your Home

Designers have described lagom as being “in the moment.” The following are some of the ways to incorporate lagom into your remodeling project.

  • Find the balance between form and function. Convenience and aesthetics don’t always go hand-in-hand, but it’s not impossible to find a balance between the two. The remodeler has to be able to incorporate unconventional designs that are aesthetically appealing without sacrificing practicality.
  • Declutter by design. There’s a thin line between minimal and uncluttered design, and that is where lagom sits. The building has to meet the needs of its occupants with fewer elements: everything that’s deemed unnecessary must be removed. Marie Kondo, a popular organizing consultant, approached decluttering by eliminating things that don’t “spark joy.” One can use the same approach in lagom, in which design elements that are not appealing or have no function can be disgarded. A lagom space should feel serene.
  • Connect the inside and outside. While lagom does not dictate specific color palettes, natural colors – earthy colors and sky blues, for example – are often used to connect the indoor and outdoor spaces. Rooms that flow outside through movable walls and entryway waterfalls are great examples of lagom. The walls are unnecessary while connecting indoor and outdoor spaces. Open roofs that allow rainwater into the house as a water feature or as a supplemental irrigation system are other examples of this. 

Let’s Start a Conversation!

Searching online for a “bathroom remodeler near me“? DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Larimer County offers a wide range of professional remodeling services, including kitchen, bath, and shower remodeling. To get started with a no-obligation consultation, call us at (970) 695-1320 or contact us online! We serve homeowners in Fort Collins, Laporte, Loveland, Lyons, Timnath, Johnstown, Berthoud, and Wellington.

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