What to Prioritize in Your Home Remodeling Project

For homeowners working with any budget size, knowing what to prioritize in their home remodeling project is a must. Apart from preparing your budget for the home remodel cost, you should also pay attention to other aspects of your project so that you can maximize your time and money.

In this post,  DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Larimer County shares some recommendations on what to prioritize when remodeling your home.

Your Necessities

If there are areas in your home with moisture-related damage, old electrical systems or plumbing leaks, your contractor should address these issues first. Anything that could affect the safety of your home or the result of your remodel should be fixed before starting any upgrades. For example, if your roof or siding no longer does a good job at protecting your home from rain, heat and other elements, it might be best for you to prioritize its replacement. If your windows or doors are difficult to operate or they no longer look good, you might want to bump them up to the top of your to-do list. Window and door upgrades can also help you save money on your energy bills, so you’ll get several benefits from this improvement.


Most home renovations happen in the spring and summer, when the weather is not a challenge and there are contractors available to do them. Nevertheless, you can ask for a bathroom quote any time of the year since bathroom renovation can generally be done in any weather. Take note that it may cost less to hire professionals during certain times of the year due to low demand, so you might want to consider this when scheduling your remodel. 

Wants vs. Needs

If you’re renovating your entire home, you should start with the rooms that are frequently used, like the bathroom and kitchen, then move on to the rooms that aren’t used as much. Then, classify the improvements as either wants or needs. List them down so you can easily see which tasks are urgent and which ones can still wait.

Smaller Projects

You can also break up a major project into smaller, more manageable tasks. Make a list of all the things you need to do and cross them off as you finish them. As you get more tasks done and tick them off your list, you’ll notice that your space has significantly changed after those gradual minor changes. This usually helps in making you feel good and accomplished, encouraging you to keep going.

Let’s Start a Conversation!

It may be difficult to look online for “contractors near me,” especially when you are searching for a reliable contractor that will easily understand your vision. Fortunately, DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Larimer County can help you turn your goals into reality. Our team will listen carefully to your needs and deliver results that meet your needs. Call us at (970) 695-1320 or fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. 

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