What Type of Remodeler Are You?

There are dozens of different factors you need to weigh when you’re doing interior remodeling, but one thing that many people seem to overlook is how they approach the project personally. Learning more about your own “management” style means being aware of how you plan for the whole job as well as your interaction with the professionals you’ve hired. This is a huge factor that can affect how long a project takes and even how satisfied you will be once everything is completed.

With decades of experience under our belts, the skilled contractors at DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Elizabethtown understand that homeowners usually fall into one of several management categories. Use these as a starting point to tweak your style and achieve a better remodeling experience!

The Responsible Manager

This is the category most homeowners fall under. When it comes to home renovations, managers are very involved. From the initial consultation right down to the final checks and walkthrough, they want to provide their input every step of the way. For some contractors, this hands-on approach can make things easier, but be wary of overstepping boundaries.

The Lenient Homeowner

On the other end of the spectrum is someone who gives their contractor free rein when it comes to handling the remodeling job. While this might offer some relief to professionals and allow them to provide you with their best service, it can be a double-edged sword. Nobody knows a house property better than the people who live in it so it makes sense to be somewhat involved in your own project.

The Detailed Planner

Take the Responsible Manager, dial it up a notch and you will get an overly involved micromanager. Being directly involved with your remodeling contractor about all the aspects of a remodel can slow down progress and even sow frustration on the part of your professional. However, micromanagers can be advantageous when it comes to detail-oriented planning and meeting deadlines. The secret is in learning how to moderate the urge to sweat the small stuff and allow yourself to trust your contractor during some parts of your project.

Work With the Pros at DreamMaker

Whatever type of remodeler you are, our skilled team of builders and designers can help you with all your home renovation needs. Give us a call at (717) 298-3830 or fill out our contact form to start a conversation today. We serve homeowners in Elizabethtown and all nearby PA communities.

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