Home Design Principles For People With Limited Vision

Accessible remodeling has become invaluable to homeowners looking to age in place, or those who plan to make their space more navigable to loved ones with limited mobility. But it goes even beyond that; it exists so that you can enjoy a home that’s safer and more accommodating to everyone, including those with low vision. Do you live with a person with partial or complete blindness? You might consider some of these design principles as you set your accessible remodeling project.

Pay Attention to Your Kitchen’s Palette

People with limited vision find it easy to locate something when the background colors contrast with each other. This is especially important in the kitchen. You’ll want to make sure that: 

  • The light switches have a dark plate if the kitchen walls have a light or neutral color.
  • The color of the furniture in the breakfast nook should contrast with the color of the walls they’re leaning against.
  • The edges of the kitchen sink and countertops are painted in a contrasting colors. This makes the space easily accessible for the person with low vision, preventing them from bumping against the edges as they navigate the room.
  • The kitchen floors don’t have patterns, such as strips and checks, that might create confusion. You can always consult a trusted home remodeler like DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Southern Rhode Island for more effective ways to keep the kitchen accessible to people with limited vision.

Incorporate Good Lighting Design

Some people assume that those with limited vision don’t need light or aren’t affected by darkness. But that’s not the case at all. They can detect light and dark to varying degrees, which is why you have to make sure your home has an effective lighting design. You should, for example:

  • Keep transitional spaces like hallways, stairs, and entryways well-lit.
  • Make sure the light in your home doesn’t create glare.
  • The lighting fixtures should be placed at the same height to prevent unnecessary shadows that can confuse a person with low vision.
  • Increase the access to natural light in all rooms, but also install window treatments to better control the amount streaming in.
  • Install lights in closets and cupboards. Make sure these aren’t pointed in the direction of the viewer.

Add the Necessary Safety Features in the Bathroom

Here are some of the things you can do:

  • Install grab bars where needed, such as the toilet, tub, and shower area.
  • Make sure the bathroom floors are not only slip-proof but also have a matte finish. This way, the bathroom lighting won’t reflect on the floor surface and cause a glare.
  • The floor of the bathroom should be kept free of any clutter.
  • Pick a contrasting color for the knobs, faucets, wash basins, and hangers so they don’t blend in with the walls and other bath features.

Accessibility Remodeling Done Right

You don’t need to look very far for a “trusted contractor near me“. Just turn to DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Southern Rhode Island. We can make your home safer and more accessible to people of all ages and abilities with our personalized design solutions. Request a quote today by calling us at (401) 399-3917 or filling out this contact form. We proudly serve homeowners in the Ashaway, Block Island, Bradford, Carolina, and Coventry, RI areas.

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