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DreamMaker Remodeling Tips

Category: Interior Remodeling

What’s on Our Clients’ Home Remodeling Wish Lists?

Today's homeowners envision homes that balance comfort, functionality and sustainability. As the "best contractor near me," DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Colorado Springs shares what our clients prefer to do for their homes in this blog post. (more…)

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5 Secrets to a Timeless Home Remodel

Home remodeling is an exciting venture that can transform your living space into a haven. You want to strike the perfect balance between contemporary design and aesthetics, ensuring your humble abode remains stylish and functional for years to come. It also helps to work with a home remodeler with a keen eye for detail and dedication to quality, like DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Colorado Springs.  (more…)

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Planning to Build a Home Office? Avoid These Mistakes

Designing a home office that meets your needs and boosts productivity is an exciting interior remodeling project. However, it's important not to overlook practical considerations in favor of aesthetics. DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Colorado Springs offers tips to help you create a stylish and functional home office. (more…)

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How to Create a Soothing Color Scheme

Colors play an essential role in determining the mood and ambiance of your home. The right colors can transform a space, making it feel serene and inviting. In this blog post, we'll delve into the world of color psychology so you can set your interior remodeling project up for success.  (more…)

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Tips to Make Your Bedroom the Coziest Space in Your Home

Efficient sleep is integral to our overall health and well-being. Therefore, making your bedroom a cozy haven is not a mere lifestyle choice but a health-related one. A serene and comfortable bedroom can remarkably enhance your bedtime routine, paving the way for better sleep patterns and consequently, a healthier life. Local home remodeler DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Colorado Springs shares valuable tips to help you create an inviting and calming bedroom[...]

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Make Your Ceilings Look Higher: Designer Tricks to Consider

Have you ever felt one of your rooms look smaller due to low ceilings? With a few designer tricks, you can transform it into a more inviting and comfortable space that looks taller and more spacious than it actually is. Local home remodeler DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Colorado Springs shares some of them here. (more…)

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