Design Tips for Multi-Generational Homes

Multi-generational homes are quite common in the U.S. Since multi-generational households include two or more generations all under one roof, major renovations may be needed to fully accommodate all family members and provide everyone with the space they need. In this post, accessible remodeling expert DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Northwest DC discusses the factors that you should keep in mind when designing a home for multiple generations.

Multiple Entrances

Having separate entrances for family members creates a feeling of independence and privacy, which are crucial to long-term satisfaction with a multi-generational arrangement. Ideally, you should have one entrance at the front, another at the back and another that directly leads to the basement. These separate entrances help to reduce traffic on busy mornings and throughout the day.

Separate Living Spaces

Separate living spaces are a must in multi-generational homes. You can dedicate a play area for young children and a quiet lounge with cozy furniture for the older members of the family. These separate living spaces provide privacy and comfort. However, keep in mind that the larger your extended family, the more living spaces you may need to have. Get a home remodel estimate at the early stages of your planning and let the contractor know about the different spaces you want to create.

Accessibility Features

Make sure to add accessibility features in your multi-generational home. These additional elements make the spaces more inclusive for seniors and family members living with disabilities. Consider installing grab bars in the bathrooms and expanding doorways and hallways so that wheelchair or walker users will have an easier time moving around and maintaining their independence.

Let’s Start a Conversation!

You don’t need to search for a “bathroom remodeler near me” online – DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Northwest DC can carry out your remodeling project to a high standard. From bathroom renovations to kitchen remodels, we offer a full-service remodeling approach to help you get the house of your dreams!

Call us at (202) 933-7196 or fill out our contact form to request a quote. Our service areas include Woodley Park, Friendship Heights, Glover Park, Cleveland Park, The Palisades, Donaldson Run, Bluemont, Lyon Village and Glen Echo.

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