How to Avoid Kitchen Remodel Sticker Shock

It’s not uncommon for homeowners who are planning a kitchen remodel to experience sticker shock upon seeing a kitchen quote. In today’s post, DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Northwest DC shares insight on how to avoid sticker shock and focus on getting the kitchen that your home deserves.

Do Your Research Early On

Even if you haven’t decided to proceed with a kitchen remodel, doing your own research can help you make informed decisions when you decide on your project’s specifics. Look up the pros and cons of flooring, countertop and backsplash materials, particularly their maintenance requirements. Read up on kitchen appliance reviews, and which ones will work best for your requirements.

When comparing cost differences, it’s important to keep in mind that these costs may change by the time you go online and start searching for a “kitchen contractor near me”. However, knowing ballpark prices can help eliminate surprises, and may even help you identify unscrupulous contractors.

Don’t Move Plumbing Fixtures

Moving the sink, the dishwasher or other major fixtures means making changes to the plumbing, which can raise material and labor costs, depending on how far you want to move them. If you’re moving them to address a fundamental issue — perhaps the kitchen sink is out of reach relative to your other work areas — then you have to decide whether the difference in cost is worth it. Many homeowners keep the same plumbing layout due to convenience and because they can save on costs.

Expect the Unexpected (Repairs)

Sometimes a remodeler finds a hidden issue that needs to be fixed before the project can continue. With kitchen remodeling, this could be a plumbing leak that’s causing rot in the drywall. It could be installation or repair mistakes committed by the previous owner. Sometimes the plumbing can be so old that it doesn’t comply with current building codes, and therefore it needs to be redone. The cost of these repairs is not part of the original estimate, therefore you should have a “safety net” (about 10% to 20% of the project estimate) to make sure your project can proceed as planned.

Work With an Honest Remodeler

We live by our Code of Values™ at DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen by respecting our customers, focusing on their needs and working with integrity. When we discuss kitchen remodeling options with our clients, we make sure that they have the information that they need — including associated costs — before they make their decisions. Ultimately, we finish our projects knowing that our clients are 100% satisfied.

Let’s Start a Conversation!

For the best in kitchen remodeling services, call DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Northwest DC at (202) 933-7196 or contact us online for a kitchen estimate! We serve communities including Donaldson Run, Bluemont, Lyon Village and Glen Echo.

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