7 Pitfalls to Avoid When Designing a Small Bathroom

Remodeling a small bathroom can be an exciting venture for homeowners seeking to enhance the functionality and aesthetics of their space. When it comes to small bathrooms and powder rooms, every decision—from the layout to the choice of fixtures—must be made with precision to avoid these seven common pitfalls that could compromise the result.

7 Mistakes in Small Bathroom Design

1. Not Prioritizing Storage

Small bathrooms quickly become chaotic without sufficient storage. Incorporating built-in storage solutions that maximize every inch of available space ensures essentials remain organized yet accessible. Storage solutions should complement your bathroom’s size and style for a balanced look and an accurate bathroom quote

2. Compromising Functionality for Aesthetics

While the visual appeal of your bathroom is essential, its functionality should never be compromised. Choose fixtures and layouts that are beautiful and suitable to the needs of those using the space. For example, you might need to downsize the vanity to create more room or redesign the layout for enhanced functionality.

3. Playing It Too Safe or Too Bold

A common mistake is either playing it too safe with the design, resulting in a bland space, or going too bold, overwhelming a small area. Striking the right balance can transform small bathrooms into standout spaces, whether through the strategic use of colors, patterns or textures.

4. Selecting Improper Materials

The allure of certain tiles or fixtures can be strong, but their practicality in a small bathroom setting must be considered. Look for moisture-resistant and easy-to-maintain materials to ensure longevity and preserve the bathroom’s pristine condition. Some of these options may result in a higher bathroom cost, but they can be a worthwhile investment in your home.

5. Inadequate Ventilation

Proper ventilation is often overlooked in bathroom design. This oversight can lead to moisture problems, affecting the durability of fixtures and finishes. Implementing effective ventilation solutions is especially important in older homes.

6. Not Hiring a Professional

Attempting a DIY bathroom remodel or working with inexperienced contractors can lead to costly mistakes. Be sure to hire an experienced, professional bathroom remodeler near me who can help you navigate various challenges, from updating the plumbing to maximizing space. They will also ensure your project adheres to local building codes and standards.

7. Overlooking the Details

Small details, like the placement of shower controls or the choice of door swings, can significantly impact the usability of a small bathroom. Thoughtful attention to these aspects during the design phase can prevent functional issues after completion. 

Let’s Start a Conversation!

DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen of Chester County has extensive experience remodeling bathrooms of all sizes. We can confidently guide you from the design process to the completion of your project. Call us at (610) 484-2000 or complete our online form to schedule a consultation.

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